Instagram is a photo sharing social media platform. It is the fifth most widely used website on internet. Instagram offered a variety of useful features for its users which allows Instagram to stand uniquely. It was launched in 2010 as a typical freebie app, starting with the simple photo sharing application and was later acquired by the Facebook. According to some latest surveys, 500+ million accounts are active
every day and 70% of people poles out for Instagram instead of Facebook,  which clearly specifes the opportunity that lies with the Instagram for Marketers.

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Instagram has always been known for adopting new features at a lightning-fast rate and becoming even more valuable to merchants and users alike. Instagram has taken over other social platforms like a Storm. This is what which makes INSTAGRAM suitable for business entrepreneur to expand, commute to its clients and to target new audiences every
moment. Instagram allows its users to upload their memories with in-app
support of diferent flters, which attracts people, and even marketers can show-off their products and promote on a large scale.

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Nowadays, there are dozens of social media platforms that can be chosen by Marketers and they all ofer diferent opportunities, features and nuances but for marketing strategies marketers know the right place where its users live and what platform will enable them to get high
returns on their investments. With a fact that 70% people use Instagram on a daily basis, can you imagine what does that mean? Your customers might use Instagram to reach you or to talk about your business without even knowing them. So, the value is clear.

It wouldn sound weird to hear that when you scroll down Instagram feed, you would defnitely see diferent advertisements about newly opened shops or business nearby you. So, do you ever think that how it works? It’s a fact that people love sharing their life on Instagram and at present it has become more of trend to click a picture before you take a bite of something delicious and while sharing such photos you often use Hashtag to support your memories, Hashtags started on Twitter, and while they never took of on Facebook, they’re a staple of Instagram
marketing. Just by adding text after the # symbol, you can turn any word
or phrase into a clickable topic! These links relate the customers to the
advertisements and are some of the strategies to encourage their

Instagram stories was a massive success for its developers in 2016. This feature was inspired from snapchat and has gained a lot of importance as they are Short-lived videos and images that disappear after
24hours. But in recent times it has become an essential part of the platform and Instagram offers a feature knows as “high-lights”, so that the stories remain in the user’s profle forever. These stories are useful for sharing diferent launches, achievements, content created by your audience, to acquire content from the audience, be authentic, go live or marketers can even share highlights for their up-coming sale. Diferent marketing strategies also include Analytics, it is a simple tool offered by the Instagram which tracks all the activities of your clients such as:
location, gender, age & website clicks by the user. By collecting these analytical data, you can plan for your next business post or stories which can lure maximum of them to you. That’s how customers  become fans.

At present, people believe more in visual contents as they are quite fascinating and a most the prestigious way to show-off and promote products in a better way rather than written contents, which has almost
no meaning. The use of Instagram’s sponsored posts and advertisements
have fnally unfolded worldwide and are pro ing highly regarded. The platform keeps expanding, making it more valuable to  merchantsand ecommerce businesses, especially if they have products with a strong isual appeal. Instagram advertising continues to be within the early
stages of a ailability. Ads are obtainable in thirty seconds video format, as images, and in carousel format too!! These advertisements can be a perfect

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bridge between customers and your website.


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