National Energy Conservation Day


National Energy Conservation Day With the world’s growing population, energy needs are also increasing. But as the pace of energy demand grows, fears of the destruction of all energy sources begin to rise. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to energy conservation or to improve other resources to replace them because if we do not succeed in our efforts over time, the whole human civilization may be in jeopardy.

National Energy Day is celebrated annually on 14 December in India. In India, the Energy Conservation Act was introduced by the Energy Efficiency Bureau (BEE) in 2001. The Energy Efficiency Bureau (BEE) is a legal entity operating under the Government of India and assists in the formulation of policies and strategies to reduce energy consumption. The purpose of the Energy Conservation Act in India is to appoint professional, trained and competent auditors and auditors in policymaking, financial management and the implementation of energy-related projects.

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What Is Energy Conservation

The real meaning of energy conservation is to prevent unnecessary use of energy and to use less energy so that energy resources can be saved for future use. To make the energy conservation program work better, everyone must incorporate conservation into their behaviour.

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Energy Conservation

Energy tax is a good measure for the government to save energy. In addition, many countries use energy or carbon taxes on energy users. This tax will put pressure on energy users to reduce their energy consumption. In addition, the carbon tax forces consumers to move to other less harmful energy sources.

Construction design plays a major role in energy conservation. A great way to save energy is by doing energy research in buildings. Energy testing is used to test and analyze energy consumption in a building. Most notably, the aim of energy audits is to effectively reduce energy input.

Another important way to conserve energy is to use energy-efficient products. Energy-saving products are those that use less energy than their regular counterparts. One outstanding example would be to use an energy-efficient bulb rather than an incandescent light.

In conclusion, energy conservation should be one of the most important issues for humanity. Mahatma Gandhi was quite right when he said, “the world provides enough to meet the needs of everyone but not everyone is greedy”. This statement greatly summarizes the importance of energy conservation. Prompt implementation of energy efficiency measures is very important.               


The event aims to raise awareness of the need to conserve the environment and natural resources to keep the earth healthy. There is also an emphasis on keeping biodiversity going. This includes plants and animals, energy sources, groundwater and air.


In India, many energy-saving competitions have been organized by the government and other organizations to make the national energy conservation campaign more efficient and effective. Various drawing competitions are organized at school, provincial, district or national level on energy saving day. The students who took part in the competition and the victory were honored by the Department of Energy in the National Energy Saving Program on December 14.

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