Tips for parents who are sending their kids to a boarding school

Boarding School

Every parent dreams of giving their kids the best education by sending them to the top most schools in India. According to parents, sending their kids to a boarding school is sometimes considered their best decision. However, parents sometimes might feel secluded and get anxious when their child is away, especially in the initial few days. They might have other kids in the house, but it is natural to miss the kid, who is away from home. Since this is about the child’s future, it is imperative to stay objective and make a well informed decision, factoring in all the pros and cons. While parents think of sending their children to boarding schools they have a lot of inhibitions in their mind like, whether their child will be able to adjust, their child’s safety, will he/she have time for themselves, most importantly will he/she be able to cope up with academics all by themselves, etc.

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However, speaking to few parents reveal that, one can adhere to the following tips to have a smooth transition, as a parent:

Keep oneself occupied

Nothing, except keeping oneself busy, can keep parents preoccupied and their mind off from the child’s absence at home. They must take up projects around their house, volunteer for a NGO or some other organization. They can also start working on their hobby or join some social groups, to stay connected to people. Parents can enjoy their me-time, once they send their kids to the boarding school and focus on themselves.

Stay connected with the school authorities

One of the best ways, to stay in touch with the children is to stay connected with the school authorities. Most of the schools have a Facebook Page, YouTube Channel and their own website, which the parents can visit once a week and read the school’s newsletter. This will keep them informed about the happenings in the school and will keep them updated. If the parents wish to know how their children are performing at the boarding school, they can contact the school counselor or the residence hall advisor. The involvement of parents even in boarding school is very important for the success of their kids as it leads to an overall development for the child.

Make a visit to the boarding school

Parents must make sure, that they make a visit to meet their children during the weekends or at least twice in a month. They can also visit their children or any special events and occasions where parents and family members are welcome. Kids will be elated to see their parents visit them at a regular time interval. This will also help the parents in noticing the improvement or changes in their children. They can keep a measure on the overall health and development of their child.

Join the Parents Organization

The growth in technology has made it even easier for parents to stay updated about their kids, while they are in the boarding school. Many boarding schools have a parent’s organization, which they must be a part of. Not only are the parents there to support each other but also work together to improve the quality of life for all the resident children. They also have groups for the same on WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. so that they can easily be updated and informed about their kids’ well-being.

Parents must not feel guilty

Guilt is a feeling which parents often derive after sending their kids to boarding schools which is certainly not justified. Parents who send their children to boarding schools must be selfless and should allow their children to leave home. They must also be committed to invest in their kid’s education. Most boarding schools not only teach college-level course but they also make the children independent, mature and responsible. Parents must always remember that they give their kid a lifetime advantage by sending him/her to a top level boarding school. Hence, they do what is best for their kid’s future.

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Parents must always keep in mind that sending their kids to boarding school, gives their children the best time of their life. Boarding schools make the children independent, self reliant, confident and also give them a disciplined lifestyle. All this put together gives the parents a sigh of relief and also assures them that their kids are in safe hands. Henceforth, parents who send their kids to boarding schools, directly or indirectly make their children responsible and mature enough. However, one must always remember, with pros there could be some cons, so it’s imperative that they must always be connected and careful in selecting the boarding institutions.

The Article is Contributed by MrRaunak Jain, Managing Director of Tula’s International School

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