Top 10 Time Management Tips for Students


Time management tips is very important for students to focus in their study. In exams time management plays the most important role to get success. Usually students who are better in managing the time they get high marks. This good habit provide them better carrier in future also. This is a skill which will help students in their entire life.

In exam time students often surprise where all the time went, and they start to count hours. This all happen due to lack of time management skill. In this article we discuss how control the time and use it in better way. If we do some simple task like prepare time table, make list of to do work, help us to use all time.

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1. Live Organised Life

Student should be live in organise manner. A students should prepare their to do task list, and should prepare a proper time table. They can check their to do list time to time. They can set daily, weekly or monthly task list. These habits help them to live a organised life. Students can set their goals and can focus on them with these habits.

2. Not Prepare a Fake Time Table

Usually students prepare a fake time table means they mentions something that they can’t do. They decides which goals those are not realistic for them. They should prepare goals which are realistic and achievable for them. A realistic time table is very important for students. Students can make a flexible time table so they can change something if they want.

3. Know Your Capability

Every students are different from each other, their capabilities are also not same. Evey students have different mind set and interest. So it is important that you should prepare your schedule according to your capabilities. It is important to set goals according to your capabilities and interest. You should know how much time you need to cover a topic.

4. Take Study Breaks

You can take breaks in your study duration. Many research shows that if you work in 50 to 60 minutes small small periods and take 10 minutes break that will improve productivity. So this tip is very useful for students, they can implement this in their time table. You can improve your focus power with this tip.

5. Use Travel Time

Students can use their travel time. If you use buses daily to go your school or college you can utilize that time. You can revise your course and can check your daily routine. This will help you to manage your work and study. This is a very simple time management tip, this will help you in future also.

Time Management Tips for Students

6. Use Less Social Media

Do not west much time on social media, like Facebook and twitter. Social media is very interesting tools to connect the world. But if you are student and using these so much that are harmful for your study. Unfollow all the useless groups on Facebook and WhatsApp.

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7. Proper Use of Internet

Internet is very useful in study, but you can keep some tips to save your time. You should use you tube for only study videos. You should Unsubscribe all the other you tube channels. You can turn of notifications in your mobile phone. These simple tips for your mobile settings will help in save time.

8. Organise Your Study Room

You should maintain your study room keep clean and organise. Maintain your study table. Remove all the unnecessary things from your room. Keep only useful things in your room and study material on study table. Unnecessary things distract your mind and you can loose focus from study.

9. Take a Proper Sleep and Do Exercise

To feel refresh every day, a proper sleep is very important. You can’t concentrate on your study if you didn’t take proper sleep last night. Students should take at least 7 hours sleep. Exercise is very implement to keep your self healthy and fit. Exercise make you happy and healthy.

10. Healthy Food

In student life we love to eat junk food and soft drinks but these are not good for our health. Daily use of junk food can make you unhealthy. We prepare a healthy mind it is important that we use healthy food. In study time you can keep some healthy snake on your study table.

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