UGC Repeal Act 2018: Review Submit Deadline Extended by MHRD

UGC Repeal Act 2018, UGC, MHRD

MHRD extended the deadline to submit the reviews on the UGC Repeal Act 2018. Earlier the stakeholders were instructed to submit their views by July 07, 2018 but now they decided to extend the date a little more. Now the new date is July 20, 2018. This will be big relief to all those people who were instructed to submit their reviews in short time. This drafted act is for setting up HECI (Higher Education Commission of India) to repeal UGC Act 1956.

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Through HECI, MHRD is aiming to improve the academic standards in the country with a significant focus on learning outcomes, promoting the use of educational technology, training of teachers, mentoring of institutes, evaluating the performance of institutes etc. Unlike the University Grants Commission (UGC), HECI will not have the authority to approve grants and rather it will be dealt by the Ministry itself. HECI will only focus on academic matters.

Besides replacing the UGC Act of 1956, the ‘new’ HECI Act will ensure non-interference in the management issues of educational institutions. The new education regulatory commission will be tasked with improving academic standards and forming regulations related to closing and opening of educational institutions.

To dispense these worries, MHRD released a press note in which it said that the government has not made any final decisions about the grant giving power. It also said, “The Government is keen to ensure that the grant-giving process shall be purely merit-based, online, objective system that assures both transparency and efficiency with least human interface.”

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