What is Tableau?

What is Tableau
What is Tableau

What is Tableau?

Our today’s topic is What is Tableau? I hope you guys have heard a lot about this tool from many people. Many people who work as Business Intelligence, Business Analyst, Data Analyst use this tool. So now the question arises in your mind Is this related to Data? or Use to organise data? Well, the answer is It helps in simplifying raw data into a very easily understandable format. 

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Tableau is a powerful and fastest-growing data visualization tool used in the Business Intelligence Industry. Data analysis is very fast with Tableau and the visualizations created are in the form of dashboards and worksheets. It even allows a non-tech person to create dashboards. Learn courses online on Easyshiksha.

Firstly you need to understand about virtualization

data virtualization is a pictorial representation of a given set of data. A text-based data is represented in a form of charts, tables, infographics, etc. So that new insight and hidden pattern of data can be detected and understands in a more easy way. Tableau plays a key role in Business Intelligence. I hope now you understand 

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There are three features in tableau which help in analysing data efficiently.

  1. Data Blending
  2. Real-time analysis
  3. collaboration of data

Tableau was founded in 2003 by Pat Hanrahan, Christian Chabot, and Chris Stolte. Tableau has a mapping functionalities which helps to plot coordinates and connect to spatial files. Tableau become popular because of its easy drag-and-drop functionality, it is faster than other BI tools, high scalability as it adapts to the individual as well as enterprise needs easily, it has mobile compatibility, connectivity to a huge number of data sources without needing to buy connector license, big data analytics capabilities etc.

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