World Arthritis Day : विश्व गठिया दिवस


World Arthritis Day, also called WAD, is a global awareness day held annually on 12 October. WAD aims to help raise awareness among audiences around the world about the presence and impact of rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders, commonly referred to as RMDs. The serious consequences of these diseases, of which there are more than 200, are less well known; their impact.

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People suffering from Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases

There is so much that remains unattainable in the EU only with RMD. An estimated 100 million are currently undiagnosed and are trying to deal with symptoms that are often overlooked – and not well diagnosed. The vast majority of people in the world are affected by diseases that affect their quality of life and community participation – including access to the world of work. Failure to work lowers a person’s self-esteem – and increases their confidence in state welfare, the health care system and their family and friends. People living with RMD therefore remain unaware of their symptoms, opportunities for diagnosis and treatment, and how to build and implement an independent employment program.

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Health Professionals in Rheumatology

Seeking help from the health care system for those seeking help with unknown symptoms is usually a family doctor. Health care systems but remain unprepared to provide the diagnosis, access, care and treatment needed to support those affected by RMD. Medical education has very little RMD education; this means that symptoms are often undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or mistreated. The situation is further complicated by the fact that rheumatologists are few in many European countries – not to mention the world. People who do not have access to rheumatologists, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, or those trained in the RMD area are at greater risk for their health as a result.

Rheumatology Scientists

The research results are positive for RMD treatment programs developed in recent decades; active drugs, a strategy that includes service delivery, physical therapy, nutrition, and psychosocial support are available. These findings are however little known outside the field of rheumatology, and access to public funding for rheumatology-based research continues to be limited. There is a high rate of abuse experienced by those with RMD, including cancer, such as RMD, which has a cause in the body’s immune system. The ability to better study RMDs and their role in causing inflammation in the body, thus helping to reduce the impact of other diseases such as cancer, the interest of all citizens. The high level of scientific research, bringing the highest amount of data and evidence and the constantly improved drugs for the management of RMDs, will bring benefits to all social systems – and to all people.

World Arthritis Day aims to help raise awareness of the presence and impact of RMDs around the world. WAD provides an opportunity for all communities, everywhere, to come together – to find the same voice to help deliver the much-needed message to all audiences. EULAR members celebrate World Arthritis Day using a variety of methods at national levels in Europe in a concerted effort to manage RMDs collaboratively.

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