Everything Doesn’t Happen For A Reason


Human beings are a result of an evolution that took place about 4 million years ago and before that apes existed which are considered as our ancestors now. They didn’t have the ability to overthink or rethink anything that happened to them but the successive generation is always a smart product. Humans can smartly think and process everything they do but what more they do is “Overthinking”.Reason

Over thinking is like titanic, huge. Equally above and under the sea. We can see the effects of over thinking inside as well as outside us. It has got types and one of them is ‘Everything happens for a reason’. This particular topic has got history’s back, for example:

  • The young Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden under one of the trees and an apple falls on his head, he comes up with the theory of Gravity.
  • Early Humans (millions of years ago) saw the naturally occured brushfire and eventually discovered the existence of fire.

If the apple hadn’t fall and the fire didn’t have occurred naturally, the mankind have probably still been deprived of these two great discoveries.

But is it always a satisfying and legit response to every situation that everything happens for a reason? What if everything happens because of a reason?

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Research from Yale University shows us that whether you are religious, spiritual or atheist, a large majority of people feel that everything happens for a reason when it comes to life events, many believe that fate was behind it.  21st century has got us more than 2100 things to do and that too individually and in the middle of everything that happens no matter good or bad, we have a feeling that it has got reasons. Saying everything happens for a reason can be a getaway for people from restlessness or thinking that everything will fall into place in the end but, it is like serving false hopes.

People between the age of 18-40 act like they have this in-built mantra in their systems. Especially students, if they couldn’t make it to the lecture and come to know that the professor had taken a test of the students present in the class they will feel relieved and say “well, that’s good that we couldn’t make it to the lecture and didn’t have to take the test”. What if the test was actually beneficial and could help with the exam pattern!?

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Humans have got to root out this response from their systems and start facing the reality and deal with it. No reason can explain the losses that we face, the terminal illness of a loved one or maybe the puncture of tyre and failed to reach to the work for instance. It should be less ‘‘everything happens for a reason’’ and more ‘this is it and I have to deal with it’.

About The Author

Nikita BhadoriaNikita is working with HawksCode Softwares Pvt. Ltd. She has been passionate for writing and been in the field since her schooling days covering variety of topics like Patriotism, Friendships, Mother’s Presence, Movie Characters, Love, Life, Seasons etc. Writing is on the future cards for her and wishes to write stories that inspire people.

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